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Everything posted by Mel

  1. Mel

    Why are you running Linux?

    In reference to the 8 0r 9 gb missing on hd in XP. XP has a lot of MRU (Most Recently Used) files. These are hidden files. From the moment XP is installed those files record everything including key strokes, web sites visited, programs installed or uninstalled.programs opened and closed programs downloaded.In short, everything on your computer and periodically send the info to M$.And yes ,BG knows you use Linux. These files can get quite large and eventually become noticed as a shrinking HD. A lot of your drive space can be recovered with utilities like MRU Blaster which delete MRUs. Of course ,being freeware, those utilities are probably loaded with thier own spyware. Also when I uninstall XP components , I use MyComputer to find and delete thier folders. Now instead of programs being reinstalled ,I get a lot of startup messages saying "file ?????? not found in specified location " .One thing though, XP has a lot of duplicate apps installed in different locations, sometimes as many as 5.If it doesn' find it in one location ,it will move to the next and so on. That's why XP is such a HD hog and certain files keep being reincarnated.
  2. Mel


    Are you hosted by or do you have an add on your site for Asperonine or Arvutiosad ? If so ,that is probably built into your site and nothing to worry about.. If not you may need to contact your host or site privider. That looks like a link frame for one of those sites.(actually I think they are both the same site.) To find out what it is ,go to "http://aspiron.ee/" and check out the site. It's a frame on your site and that is where it gets the file from.(could be the template for your page or mabe a submenu or link.)
  3. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Hello, SoulNothing I found that later model HP hardware seems to be designed to run a certain OS instead of tweaking the OS to the hardware.All is not lost ,though. I found when sharing a drive with XPon HP,it helps to create a partition set up as logical drive so it will have it's own drive designation. That helped on my pav.551w because XP doesn't like sharing a drive with another OS.However,XP did me a favor and overwrote it's "protected" recovery partition so I just wiped the drive and gave it all to Ark.I don't think ark will mind sharing a little space with other distros later on. Ark has a default resolution of 1400x1050.If your monitor doesn't support that high a resolution,it will come up,flash the screen and go blank (black on mine).When Arks install starts hit f2 for install options and set the resolution to one you know your monitor supports. I set mine at 1024x768.(f1,f2,f3 and f4 give helpful info. You only have a few seconds to hit fx or start typing linux but once done, install won't start until you go back and type "linux (options)" or just linux if you just want a default install. If, like me,you happen to have an old hd laying around,you can set the jumper to slave and install linux on that to avoid battling XP for hd space.(Xp is very greedy.) Also Ark creates 4 partitions on my 551.. 1.A small boot partition. (Should be hidden, so you won't see it.) 2.A primary2 partition. 3 A primary3 partition. 4.A swap partition. Since,on mine,it only seems to use primary3 ,I'm not sure why the primary2.Probably for future storage and files that don't need primary3. Or maybe just because it has 40gb to play with. Hp seems to like the onboard sis video chips.If so,some versions of linux seem to have a problem dectecting it.I'll leave that kind of help to someone who knows what he's talking about. Hope something in here helps.
  4. Mel


    Compufrustrationitis is a condition unique to serious computer freaks.It usually occurs after many long hours of tedious,demanding programming, word processing and/or other time consuming computer tasks. . Symptoms; 1.Facial expression = extreme horror. 2.Eyes = Glazed 3.Hands = Poised over keyboard like claws. 4.Body = Extremely rigid and appears to be sitting on air since chair is usually upside down on floor 6 to 10 feet away. 5.Voice = Usually high pitched and spouting unintellegible giberish. . First Aid; 1.Try to slide chair under victim before he/she realizes it's not there and falls. 2.Try to recover lost and/or corrupted files.(May be impossible) 3.Try to calm victim down. (May also be impossible.) 4.If you can understand 2 or more words when victim tries to explain what happened,attack may not be too severe. 5.Beware flailing hands when victim tries to explain what happened. 6.!!WARNING!! --Under no circumstances is it safe to ask victim if he/she remembered to 'save'. .
  5. Didn't you know that MS is short for "Mostly Spyware" ?
  6. FINALLY !!!! Undeniable proof that XP has been sending my computer information to the internet without my consent !
  7. Mel

    Need help configurring EvilE

    OK, I can't give you the technical advice the senior members can. However , my "toy' room has 4 running computers of various ages and archetectures . For the last 6 or 8 weeks ,Ive been DLing experimenting with different distros . If you have a fairly recent HP, I suggest trying ARKlinux. Most other distros run fine on my other machines but have problems with with the late model HP. Mepis is also a good choice if you are not running a HP. Both Mepis and Ark have a GUI desktop familiar to win users. Mepis is run directly from CD without affecting HD but has a desktop icon to install to hard drive. Ark is designed for windows refugees. You can also do a complete upgrade using synaptic. The desktop and control panel (Mission Control) are very similar to XP. Both distros and many others can be DLed from ibiblio.org. Mepis has 3 cd but only disc 1 is needed . Ark has 4 cd but only disc 1 is needed. I suggest these two from my nubee perspective because they are easiest to install and if you have used a M$ OS the desktop and menus will be familiar.
  8. Does synaptic come with RH9 iso's ? If so ,where is it hiding ?
  9. Mel

    linux commands

    You can also try" http://en.tldp.org/ "
  10. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    BTW, how do get qoutes in the neat white BG ??
  11. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    I get the same thing with you, Mel, Mozilla which included in my Mdk-9.1 unsatisfies me, but downloaded Mozilla and Firefox work great. Btw what distro do you use? I'm using RH 9.0 at the moment. Actually,I've DL'd 11 distros so far. I have 3 machines which I'm using to explore diffirent distros. 1. HP pavilion 4550 (466 mhz pent cel eron) 2. HP pavilion 551w (1.6 ghz pent 2) 3. eMachine W2040 ( 2.0 ghz AMD Athlon) Without getting into to much detail ,I'm thinking of starting a thread listing the different machines and which distros worked with each machine. By experimenting with different distros ,I've found that what works great on one machine may not work at all on another. The only real difference i've noticed in different distros,once installed,is the GUI layout and some practically install themselfs while others require a lot of input from you during install. I've found the most problematic of my machines is later models of HP. It appears HP ,in the past few years has been designinig around an OS instead of developing an OS for the machine. At the same time every eMachine I've tried seems to happily accept any OS you throw at it. I'm thinking of starting a thread asking users to give a short description of thier machine and peripherals and which distro they are using.Being the kind of nut that adopts every homeless computer I see heading for dump, I've learned that When asking what distro you use you should also ask what brand and model machine you use it on. A distro that is a dream on one machine may well be a nightmare on another.
  12. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    OK, I downloaded and reinstalled Mozilla from the DL package. This one works good. Nothing was working right on the packages that installed with the Linux OS's but when DL'd and installed after OS setup it works very well. This version is identical to Netscape 7.1. . If I had thought to try that in the first place I may not have tried Netscape. The one that came with RH was slow and kept freezing but could have been due to corruption during DL and burn.
  13. When adding apps in RH9 ,each time a disk was requested add apps gave the message "error loading package" and exited. This was no real problem for me but may be for someone. My solution was to simply leave the selected disk in the drive and restart Add Apps. It would install the files from that disk then request the next disk. and repeat the errer message and exit. No problem, just left the disk in and restarted Add App. Files seem to have installed OK. Hope this helps somebody. . Hey,I'm the best looking man in the room ! (Of course,that may be because it's 3 O:clock in the morning.)
  14. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    You're right on target,Dapper. I started way back with 4.6 for the same reason.Somebody didn't like the idea that even then you could use Netscape to block some of the spyware built into the other OS plus it was a lot better than IE. 6.0 was a little buggy,Idud, but I think the major problem was a certain OS trying to prevent it from running.I didn't like the 7.0 appearance much either but ANYTHING was better than IE. When it comes to browsers,like everything else,what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.The best version of anything depends a lot on the individual using it. These kind of discussions remind me of a remark I heard a few years ago in a movie."How smart you are often depends on what part of the country you're standing in when you start talking."Some people think I'm pretty smart.(the confused ones). Others,like my wife,think I'm a raving lunatic.But,hey,how many sane people are there in the computer world ? . . . "Always respect others opinions for opinions are formed by experience and each individuals experiences are unique." (That's just another poster I kept on the wall for my kids.)
  15. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    I should have commented that it's another versiion of Mozilla . In fact ,Ive noticed that a lot of programs are actually modified versions of Linux files including very large portions of "propriatory" OS's. Some aren't even modified,just intergrated into the OS.
  16. Mel

    Hey! Danleff and Dapper Dan

    Well I'm a GUI user.(Trying to learn the CLI but those old commodore and amiga commands that keep popping out of my fingertips just don't work.) Anyway, take RedHat 9, with a menu navigation as easy and clear as the other OS add a "Mission Control" which appears to be a clone of XP's control panel. Point and Click in Mission control; "install software" brings up synaptic. "Desktop and appearance" gets a very nice menu of relative KDE modules. I could go on like that for a very long post. To make a long story short, as a winXp user,I feel right at home with ARKLinux. Basicaly ,it's Linux with an easy to navigate GUI.After about an hour exploring, I was getting around as easily as in XP.(Didn't know where I was going but I was getting there.) ARKLinux was obviously designed with nubees and us refugees from the other OS in mind.It's Linux simplified. It's a pretty fast DL from "ibiblio.org" also from "linuxiso.org". Both sites have new distros added everytime I check.
  17. Mel

    Hey! Danleff and Dapper Dan

    You're right ,Danleff and the first sentence in the original post on this thread was "Actually ,this post is to all members.". I have RedHat 9.0 up and running. Anaconda won't run on HP551w but runs great on this WalMart eMachine and older HP. Arklinux is the only distro I've tried that installs on the 551w correctly. It installs itself with no problem and findes everything but scanners. Thank everyone for the help. I found RedHats license interesting in that you can distribute the distro freely but requires that you change the the logos and trademark to whatever you want as long as you remove references to RedHat.
  18. Mel


    Try DriverGuide.com.
  19. Mel


    Well, after an hour and a half with synaptic,figuring out witch files I wanted to upgrade , install or remove, I discovered Linux apparantly doesn't recognize cable connections that are not turned on before starting Linux. After discovering that other OS looks for a connection and if found will send information to you know who before allowing a firewall to start , I aquired a habit of turning off my cable modem until my firewall is up and blocking at least 14 embedded spyware routines in XP. That doesn't work with Linux but then Linux only sends when I want it to. Anyway ,I have a great machine now since I started deleting MRU's and XP tried so hard to prevent it that it started writing them to the hidden recovery partition it actually overwrote the recovery files. That led me to wipe the entire drive and do a complete format and install Linux. Now that Linux has the drive to itself, my only problem is I still haven't managed to get it to find a scanner. . Oh, well, if I live anther 50 years, maybe I'll figure out what I'm doing.
  20. Mel


    XP with PhotoShop is great for digital photography. I haven't found anything else it's good for though, unless you enjoy frustration. I tried a few rpg and strategy games on XP but it seems to always find something about halfway through the game it refuses to do like open a gate when you ring the bell 3,2,1 in SILVER. I use XP mostly for digital photography.I have Linux on a seperate drive on same machine. I use 98SE on older machine for games. My new favorite is pavilion 551 with 'only the best' installed.(Linux, of course). I use Mepis and Ark because they are both extremely easy to install and if there is a way to seriously crash a system,I'll find it. Just this morning I managed to turn off video output on this machine. (on motherboard).I learned a couple years ago that if you're going to experiment with BIOS on some of these new machines,it's a good idea to keep a couple old video cards around.They may not be optimal for your monitor but you can see enough to reset BIOS.
  21. Mel


    Arklinux has the machine all to itself. It's a pavilion 551w The printer is HP officejet r60 3in 1.(Print,scan,copy,parallel). Printing is no problem but kooka doesn't see the scanner. I also have MEPIS on the little eMachine .I have an HP psc 2210 (print,scan,copy, fax, usb) . I can print with the psc 2210 on the Ark machine but when I try to load MEPIS with it turned on MEPIS finds all four functions then locks up on "config fstab".If I turn it on with MEPIS running,MEPIS loses the keyboard and mouse.I assume that's an I/O conflict but can't find the settings on MEPIS.(I wasted too much time with MS.Forgot how to do anything.) You're only 14 years behind me.
  22. Mel

    Well here we go

    Try going to the link posted in "General Linux/HP Drivers for Scanners, and Printers and All in Ones." Download the file "hpoj-9.1.tgz". It has the files needed for HP2110. I haven't had time to set it up yet so I can't say if it works.(I'm just an old man with heart problems and feeling run down the last few days.) Anyway, Linux seems to have problems with "all in ones". I did get Arklinux to recognize my psc 2210 but need to add another file to scan. I only have a couple months experience with Linux so don't want to give advice since I'm not sure what I'm doing yet.But I do think someone who knows what he's doing can get that file to work. Plenty of documentation is with the file once unpacked.
  23. Mel

    Must see for nubees

    Hello fellow nubees If you're as confused as I am you may want to check out a web page Dapper Dan led me to. At http://www.ss64.com/bash/ you can get an A-Z list of Bash commands and Linux Bash syntax. While there,click on STUFF. You will find a list of very informative pages. Clicking on "Alphabetical Directory of Linux Commands" will take you to http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/ . There you will find an A-Z list of Linux commands.Clicking on a command will give you the syntax and switches for that command. . . The more I learn, the less I know.
  24. Mel

    ISO's to DVD

    Oh, yeah, I burn my disks from WinXP using CDBurnerXP Pro. It's free but has worked great for me so far.
  25. Mel

    ISO's to DVD

    Yep! I used CDBurnerXP pro with SUSE to burn to DVD. Only problem was it installed EVERYTHING and after 2 days finding and removing conflicting and broken files I gave up and went back to CD's. If ,unlike me, you know what you are doing ,it may not be such a problem. Mel