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Everything posted by Sulake

  1. When installing Gentoo from LiveCD, after a few (many) hours of messing up the system, whole thing stops to installing Grub. Even compiling kernel goes fine, but grub dont work: #grub **blaa blaa, dont remember** *- Illegal function ** #grub-install /dev/hde (or '(fd0)' ) Probing disks..blaa .. BIOS... /dev/ROOT does not have any corresponding filesystem (or blockdevice) When typing #exit to go back to livecd mode, grub works from CD, but still dont seem to find any disk's. What am i doing wrong here? I mounted and chroot'ed everything from MandrakeCDlinux, same thing.. My hard drives are behind HPT370, but i started liveCD vidth "gentoo doataraid" .. no affect.. Should i change back to redhat 9 ???
  2. Sulake

    Gentoo 2CD LiveCD installation.

    Installing from knoppix was ok. But still the same problem, GRUB do not work. It can not find my disk's that are behind HighPoint HPT370. In GLiveCD modprobe ataraid:ok modprobe hptraid :NOT ok, no such device. So i give up, and decided to try [size:18]TA-Linux[/color] that is kind of same like Gentoo. Same basic idea. TA-Linux installation cd recocnised my HPT370 at startup, and loaded necessary modules. But it didn't install lilo. (it sed it did, but now i'm in *%¤*¤ windows) Next SLACKWARE. Hope it supports HighPoint chip's...
  3. Sulake

    Fedora Core 1

    ..Like sed, they are the same. I think it's done just like in every distro. (almoust) Edit your /etc/inittab -file, to select your runlevel. # 0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this) # 1 - Single user mode # 2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking) # 3 - Full multiuser mode # 4 - unused # 5 - X11 # 6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this) # id:3:initdefault: # Console Text Mode [size:18]<- SELECT THIS[/color] id:5:initdefault: # Console GUI Mode I needed Text mode when i installed nVidia drivers... /mnt/ -is the normal folder vhere you can mount anythig. Jus make folder in there like /mnt/sparedisk If you have time, put your red hat on and read: http://www.chinalinuxpub.com/doc/www.siliconvalleyccie.com/linux-hn/runlevels.htm
  4. Sulake

    Fedora Core 1

    An the joy was something un-touchable when suddenly we got twins!! New star was lighted to the sky! ;( ;( Whats the point installing fedora? Fedeora (core1) is exact the same as redhat 9. redhat has UP2DATE service and if you have been useing that, you allready have all new packages, so fedora doesn't offer nothing new. Isn't it like this: When redhat was divided to commercial and non commercial release, non commercial (fedora) was jus copied from redhat? I think that when time passes on (say a 1-2 years) we will have two entirely different distributions. So far, i dont think enough time has passed, to fedora to develop it's own personality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ redhat : MOTHER! MOTHER! Fedora is bugging me again! He imitates everythin i doo! mother : Come on! Thought you are twins, you still are older, you must understand it. He's still so young. fedora ;( : Shut up! I'm not copying you, i do everything BETTER than you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Sulake

    Gentoo 2CD LiveCD installation.

    make menuconfig didn't work, it just hanged when it tried to start the actual script. So i had to make config. And now, isn't it so, that what i included to the kernel i compiled, does NOT affect the state of the system, because it's running the kernel and modules that are in LiveCD - And i can not boot the new kernel, cause i can't install grub? ;( Or does chroot allso change the whole kernel+modules in flight? (i propably misunderstud something) My comp. is Duron 800Mhz, 512Mt, nVidia GF2MX400/Twinwiev VIVO GoldenSample, i think that LiveCD package for athlon-xp is right for me? Anyway, i'll try Knoppix next and hope the modules work.. (Mandrake [whatewer] bootableCDsystem made no difference, same errors width it)
  6. Sulake

    CD writing error

    I newer burned CDs with ATAPI in redhad, so i dont know if it would worked... But id did with scsi emulation by passing hda=ide-scsi to kernel. You can add it to /boot/grub/grub.conf after the kernel line like: kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20 ro root=LABEL=/ hda=ide-scsi CD burner will now work much better width scsi-emulation. Even burning DVD:s goes just fine width K3b (if your burner supports it ofcourse)
  7. Sulake

    Gentoo 2CD LiveCD installation.

    I only changed "what i have" [maxtor] /hde1.5.6.7=windows stuff hdg7: /boot hdg8: /home hdg9: swap hdg10: / /etc/fstab /dev/hdg7 /boot reiserfs notail,noauto /dev/hdg8 /home reiserfs ... /dev/hdg9 none swap ... /dev/hdg10 / reiserfs ... New problem: I didnt do #modprobe hptraid at first... but now when i do: hptraid.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters My motherboard is Abit kt7RAID and it has HPT370 raid controller, to what HDDs are attached. I tried change from bios [PNP OS: YES ->NO] no effect.. NO I'm not gonna go back to redhat, i'm so close... if.. or... perhaps...
  8. Sulake

    finally but what now?

    You can allso use MSN Clone for linux aMSN. It looks just like MSN. You can find it here: http://amsn.sourceforge.net/ Lots of languages are supported. [/url]