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About TJ2988

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  1. TJ2988

    how will my preformance change?

    thanks a ton Alec§taar!!! this was the ind of feedback i wanted, thanks so much. Ill post my new system and benchmarks up when i get it.
  2. TJ2988

    how will my preformance change?

    sweet...thanks for the info. yeah most people have said that the raptor is like going from dial up to broadband, and the 6800GT was used in my last system for like a week and its amazing. it will keep getting better cause of my cpu bottlenecking it. so excited should be getting everything this week . thanks again.
  3. TJ2988

    how will my preformance change?

    Hi, im just wondering how much of a gain i will notice going from this, also what do you think of my new setup?: Asus P4P800 Asus 9600XT 2ghz P4 40 gig HDD Sound Blaster Live Super x Alien w/ 500w PSU 2 LG optical drives to this Amd Athlong 64 3500+, winchester Abit AV8 3Rd eye WD RAPTOR 74GB HARD DRIVE NIKAO OGRE MID-TOWER ULTRA X-CONNECT 500W CREATIVE SOUND BLASTER AUDIGY 2 ZS ANTEC COBRA ROUNDED IDE eVGA 6800GT i did keep the 1024MB PC3700 466mhz RAM. So the bottom one i s my new setup...any thoughts?
  4. TJ2988

    Gaming Case

    Ok so i plan to get the XG Viper Case but dont know whether or not the back fan is 2 80mm or 1 120mm, anyone know for sure? cuase ive seen pics and they have been both :x , and does anyone reccommend this or any other "enthusist" case, thanks
  5. TJ2988

    CPU temps? good or bad

    yeah i was looking at my CPU temps and i dunno if they are good or bad, they average around 20-30 degrees, celcius i think, im guessing thats good right? o well msg to tell waht u know and anyway to get it COLDER lol, cause i want my comp to be cold, which is good....right? anyway thanks for ur time