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About dancity

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  1. dancity

    home network win2000 server

    Sounds to me that u havent gone through the configuring server properly that appears at starup when u first login after installation of windows 2000 server. Go to the active directy domains and controllers, check to see if the domain is actually installed properly. If not you might have only just set it up as only a workgroup. Other infoirmation would be useful: 1.Can the computer with Windows XP logon to the domain or is it logon locally? Chances are the setup on XP pro is configured wrong. E-Mail me with a few screenshots of both Win2000Server and XP and circile where the problem is, explain to me what steps u went through to set up the domain as I have WinServer 2000 at home and it seems to be working finie with a server to client.
  2. dancity

    Windows NT/2000/XP Does it work OK with your PC

    I prefer Windows 2000 to XP anyday, for every day tasks (except gaming), Its more reliable doesnt crash, is more stable. XP has a bitch every now and then and causes u to loose important dats, so i stick to 2000 for music/college work/accounting finanance and XP for games
  3. Quote: Not true! WinXP Home cannot join a Win2k Domain, but it works just fine for normal workgroup-based sharing. Just make sure they all have the same workgroup name... Win2k defaults to "WORKGROUP", while WinXP defaults to "MSHOME". Um thats definetly a lie, I've got Win2000 server working with Windows XP and that is on a domain, and i got win2000 pro on another computer though
  4. dancity

    customize win2kpro desktop?

    Quote: thnx for suggestions...I tried downloading hook99, but without any luck. I cannot open the .ZIP file once I downloaded it. Maybe I'm just clueless and missing something... And although the 2k setup is nice - I would really like to make the icon script transparent...any further suggestions. appreciate the thots. ;( you will need a zip utility like Winzip or WinAR to open zip files. Preferably you should use winzip.
  5. I had that very same problem and seriously it was a pain. It might just be a one off thing.