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Everything posted by antibody

  1. Does anyone know of a Linux equivalent to flashget?
  2. antibody

    Help cant install ATI driver!! :(

    You may want to check out the fglrx drivers. If you use SUSE the link is: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/X/XFree86/ATI/suse90/fglrx/3.2.8/
  3. Thanks, an interesting site I wasn't aware of. I'll have another go at gftp although the it didn't work from the KDE desktop in my SUSE 9.0 setup. Do I need a some sort of link to a Gnome library, I'm slowly getting up to speed with Linux. ;(
  4. I just realised this is a Gnome application. Are there any KDE file download and recovery apps?
  5. Here's a link for anyone who maybe interested: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/9.0/suse/i586/gftp-2.0.15-35.i586.rpm
  6. SUSE 9.0, tried briefly Redhat 9.0 until I realised they had gone down the Gnome route and the applications I was using used KDE. Thanks I'll check-out gftp.