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About dano97058

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  1. dano97058

    sysconfig.exe help

    I didn't recognize the file, so just for fun I ran find files and came up with nothing. Maybe spyware, adware, or trojan. I would defineately be tracing that bad boy. Good Luck.
  2. dano97058

    Installing Works Suite 2003 on Win98

    After reinstalling system from msbackup.qic (from which I excluded Works 2003 because I have the discs), I can get everything to reinstall except Word 2003. I know there is some little tweak I need to execute, but I'll be hornswaggled if I can track it down. I sure like the new Word program, even if it has too many bells and whistles. Help me please. I will go open source soon (and probably love it). Dano.
  3. dano97058

    Best Registry Cleaner for WinXP Pro?

    Registry First Aid @ $20 is a steal. Used it to clean old 64mhz pc-it modified or removed over 1600 registry entries. The pc came back to life without so much as a flicker or reboot. www.rosecitysoftware.com/reg1aid/ tell 'em Dano sent ya'.
  4. dano97058

    Still using Windows 9x? Which one?

    After that tour through the archives, I repeat, Microsoft should support every OS they ever sold. Also, I admit that I have a 386 with win95 on it. I built it from pieces of other computers to see if I could. It works pretty good-even cruises the net. I am 45, but didn't get my first computer until about 2 1/2 years ago. I recently assembled and went online with my first site. I have been told that I have made pretty good progress. Check it out at http://thedallestaxi.com and send me feedback.
  5. dano97058

    Still using Windows 9x? Which one?

    Hello. This is my first visit to this or any forum, but I respect the links that got me here and saw some interesting dialogue, so I decided to jump in. I run WIN98 4.10.1998 and love it. I don't think Microsoft is thinking beyond the near future in their decision to end support for win98. It is still the most used system ever, and when and if I decide to change, I will defineately consider an open source browser and office suite. Then, at least, I can be part of the solution without worrying about some megagiant corporation jerking the rug out from under me when I really like something. I don't like being forced into anything, and I know there are many that feel the same. Adios for now, Dano