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Everything posted by carrguerr

  1. carrguerr


    I have a pc with Redhat 9 running and connects directly to the internet via cable modem. I want ot connect my winxp to linux so that it can have access to the web, but I cant figure out how. Redhat is installed as a server. I put two net cards on it and it disables all the conections, saying something about errors (cant ping or 10.x.x.x) and disables the netcards. Im using a HUB to conect the pcs: Linux - Modem - Winxp ... all conected to HUB One of the LAN conections is an onboard chip , the other a net card. Both have the same chip. so its not about drivers. Oh ... and Im very new to Linux. id apreciate a lil help.
  2. carrguerr


    OK Thanks ... Ill get myself a router and do it like that .
  3. carrguerr


    http://www.php.net/downloads.php have fun
  4. carrguerr


    To danleff: this is how Im setup: Modem -->> Hub Linux -->> Hub (realtek Chip 8100 SMC ) winxp <<>> Linux (crossed wires to Realtek 8139 C) No usb all cat5. If I take out the Netcard (one is an onboard LAN card -- Realtek 8100BL but the system gets it as 8139 SMC EZ card. This is the one that gets the outsideline), Redhat can connect to the web. But if I install the other card (this too is a Realtek -- 8139 C) it disables everything saying that it cant ping localhost or my ISP.