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About jpayne

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  1. jpayne

    uncontrollable mouse

    I have a computer that is running Windows 98. At times the mouse will go crazy and start clicking on things by itself. Sometimes the windows that pop up are internet pop ups other times they are from the control panel. I thought it might be a virus so I deleted all of the temp files. It worked fine for the rest of the afternoon. I turned it off when I went home and when I booted up this morning the problem began to reoccur. I appreciate any advice.
  2. I have a network of about 350 computers. I recently heard about the Network Probe software. I downloaded the trial version to check out our network. There are approximately 40 computers that show to be using port 80 which I understand is for the http protocol. I only have one actual web server. Should the rest of these be showing an open port 80? I thought that sometimes Kazaa, viruses, etc would open port 80 but I am hoping someone can explain a little better. If port 80 should be closed how do I do that on Windows 2000 and XP Pro pcs? Thank you so much for your help!
  3. jpayne

    Disable net send command

    Thanks so much for the idea. I will give it a try.
  4. I work for a school district. The kids have recently figured out how to use the net send command to send messages ( ususally messages that are not so nice) to users on the domain. I have found the command "net stop messaging" - but I would have to do this on each of the 300 computers on my domain, right? We have NT server - is there anyway to stop messaging for the whole domain or for certain groups of users? I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance