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Everything posted by garster

  1. garster

    ntfs to fat 32

    I have an hp pavillion that runs windows me. I am trying to change careers and get in to the it field and my friend suggested to me to run a windows 2000 server on my computer to get hands-on experience. installed windows 2000 server. It did not go so well. It would only boot up in safe mode because, ii believe, that it had conflict with my 810E graphics hub controller. I uninstalled after much trial and error, anf got it to boot up (the graphics are horrible). Then the server would not even recognize my modem. I removed it and reinstalled it then it detected it. It could not find a driver for it. My friend, who is in IT, looke for a driver online and said there were none for this cheap modem. He also said that there migth not be a driver out there for my graphics hub controller, which Windowws 2000 server reads only as an 800 and not an 800E. My friend told me that this may not work and to use my recovery disks for windows ME. I had converted from fat 32 to ntfs. My computer locks up when i put the recovery disk in at startup. Even when booting up with windows 2000 server it takes about 5 minutes and the monitor is completely black until the blue screen shoes up with Windows 2000 server. My friend says that the "numbers" are supposed to come up immediately at start up. There is nothing. My thinking is that my system is not reading the recovery disk because it is in ntfs. If this is correct, how do I get it back? Garster