k3b works for me, I did (as root):
addgroup burning
adduser username burning
chown root.burning /usr/bin/cdr*
chmod 4710 /usr/bin/cdr*
chmod g+r /usr/bin/cdrecord
[ ls -l /usr/bin/cdr*]
-rws--x-- 1 root burning /usr/bin/cdrdao
-rwsr-x--- 1 root burning /usr/bin/cdrecord
-rws--x--- 1 root burning /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap
-rws--x--- 1 root burning /usr/bin/cdrecord.shm
[/ ls -l /usr/bin/cdr*]
no need to reboot, just logout and login again to update groups membership for username.
Debian (Sid), kernel 2.4.24-1-k7
k3b 0.10.3-5, cdrdao 1:1.1.7-5, cdrecord 4:2.0+a26-1