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Posts posted by BabyBoy--

  1. Although you feel like preview pane is insecure im not sure you realize what disabling it implicates.


    if said user has no preview, he will undoubtely open the potentially infected mail causing precisely the unwanted damage


    on the other hand, having the preview permits, with little knowledge of what spam is, to delete it before hand.


    that said, the preview is displayed in text format (not html) which renders the malacious code ineffective. of course displaying in text format is in the options somewhere and you can further increase security by disabling all other widgets from being displayed at all.

  2. did u install the usb drivers related to your motherboard?


    also did you connect (hardware-wise) your front-usb yourself...maybe the wires are inversed or something...

    that is in my computer i got 1 wire separated in 8 heads that i have to plug to my motherboard in proper order.


    edit : ms-6714 is not an actual motherboard model..youll have to find out what ur exact model is to download proper drivers


  3. if you still got a warranty use it cause clearly theres something wrong with your system whether it actually be the ram or something else as the result of Memtest should come out flawlessly so one error is one too many

  4. according to google ALCXWDM.SYS is a driver for an onboard AC97 (sound card) so either if you actually have a pci sound card go into your bios and disable the audio altogether. on the other if you dont have another sound card try to uninstall those drivers and go download the newest one for your particular motherboard

  5. the proper stepping for the Sempron 2400 is 10x166 so go in your bios and set it up accordingly

    note that you might need to flash your bios but since the cpu is actually detected i think not

  6. so i've been looking around to buy a headset to use for my computer (talk on msn and on ventrilo for games) but after reading many reviews ive come to the conclusion that those bluetooth devices wont work for this...am i right or can someone explain me how i could go


    anyway this is the headset im looking into

    plantronics m2500



    and as for the reviews they are all in reference to mobiles and clearly state feature such as remote call so the more i read the more im convinced it just wouldnt fulfill my needs

  7. this is not gonna solve your problem but why would you wanna play a movie ro whatever using your burner if you got a standard dvd rom?

    the thing is youll just end up using the lens on the burner for nothing rendering it unusable much faster

  8. so ive been looking around to get a new low-mid range printer and narrowed it down to the Canon IP4000 or this multifunction Epson 6600. Anyone's got anything bad to say for this epson device before i buy it?


    ip4000 is 180$ cdn and the cx6600 is 250$ cdn but theres a mailin rebate of 50$US and he epson also got a scanner


    feel free to make a new suggestion.

  9. before buying anything

    whats your motherboard and can it support newer agp4x/8x cards

    im fairly sure chances are that the answer is no


    edit: ugh well forget that i see you already bought it but you definitely shouldve checked for motherboard support first

  10. Originally posted by STiX:

    hmm ya i see wat u are saying. but honestly i dont kno that much about programing. wat i basicly wanted is a program that i can d/l for free that i can put an ip in and just shut down the comp connected to that ip. hmm


    idk lol




    ugh thats clearly impossible.

    and can you walk us through what you want to do a little if you dont mind cause if your mom can click a link so that you can remotely shut down her computer she can surely find her way to the start shutdown button

  11. for the records i remember i found that information in some microsoft article couldve been that one. it was a while back when i uninstalled eDonkey and it left irregular folder names which could not be deleted and after having to work real hard to find the solution i usually dont forget it smile


    anyway considering this "situation" is already documented and i "merely" passed on the information i dont think i merit that much credit.


    glad to see appreciation though smile

    good day to you
