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About Rosalind

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  1. The motherboard is M787CL from SIS, the monitor a Samtron from Samsung. It's all newish so it's not likely to be a problem with lack of RAM or whatever. When I bought it I specified that everything should be Linux compatible. I'll have a trawl through the boxes for more specific details, but not right now (I should get some sleep). I did get some files from the SIS website, but I have no idea what to do with them. Xfree86Config was one, but it was just an example, I think you had to fill in the gaps appropriately and I have no clue how. Another was a diff file which said it needed installing in some directory that I don't have, it might not have been what I need. The guy I bought the system from suggested I install this stuff and see if it helps, but I suspect him of knowing less about Linux than I do. Quote: If your sure, just go ahead and install SUSE and allow the hard drive to be overwritten. So are you saying I just have to stick the discs in the drive, and it will overwrite the OS? I've never done this before. Quote: Do you have the suse disks, or are you plannng to install from the web/via ftp? I've got the boxed discs, which is probably just as well.
  2. Please help! For some reason I've been unable to fathom, I can't get X windows to start in 9.1, so I have no GUI. So I want to completely uninstall it and start again with Suse. The system only has one operating system on it, Mandrake, so no partitions to worry about. Does anyone know how I go about uninstalling it? All I can find when I search the web is instructions for Windows systems.