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About frizzo

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  1. freezing?? I didn't experience any freezing problems? thanks for the link, i'm checking it out...
  2. Hello, I'm very new to Linux -- I just set up a dual boot xp/Mandrake 10 on my new Compaq Presario R3000T notebook. I've got most everything working with mandrake so far, but haven't been able to get online. I have a Broadcom 54g MaxPerformance 802.11g network adapter, and a 1394 Net Adapter. I'm not sure what the latter is for, but thought I might as well mention it. I'm trying to find out how to make it work-- I went to Broadcom's driver page, there are no drivers for this model. I emailed them and they told me to talk to Compaq. So I emailed support at Compaq and this is what I get :: Quote: Dear Frizzo, The Presario computer is designed to run with Windows XP operating system, which is factory installed. I understand that you have installed Linux and would like the compatible drivers for Wireless device for your Linux operating system. We are unable to provide you with the compatible drivers and regret the inconvenience caused. What next??! I don't want to have to send this thing back for a refund... I'm sure there has to be a way? Can someone please help? Thanks Frizzo