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Posts posted by peterh

  1. You must have hardware RAID to boot from it, a software raid is no good as the software to manage the raid has to be loaded to boot from it and the software cannot be loaded until its booted - Catch 22.

    Software raid can be setup when they are Dynamic disks (not Basic) and this is setup is Disk Management.







  2. The min requirements for sims2 is much higher than Sims1, did you check the min requirements before buying it?


    The S3 graphics card is too old and slow to play Sims 2.


    Try using the -w (window) option with Sims2 by adding option in the game program shortcut



    "c:\Program Files\Sims2\Sims2.exe" -w (or whatever)

  3. To upload a website to the internet, you need an FTP program to transfer files from your PC to your web site (your ISP will provide details of website address, username etc).

    I use WS-FTP but there are plenty to choose from, your ISP may recommend one to you.


    You can also upload a screen saver to your website, and for people to download it, all you need is a link in your webpage to the file.


    <A HREF="myscreensaver.scr">Download ScreenSaver</A>



  4. Well, Intel Extreme is one of the slowest graphics chipsets on the market. For example, its about 6 times slower than a bottom of the range ATI Radeon 9200 card. So, it will limit you to what games you can run on it.


    Doom3, Sims2, Half Life 2 etc will probably NOT run on such a graphics chip.


    The problem is you cannot upgrade graphics chips on laptops, so you are stuck with the Intel Extreme chipset. So running Works or Office would be ok.


    A laptop with a Mobile Radeon or Nvideo nForce chipset would have been better for games.


  5. Sounds like the Sony drive is a doggy drive, there are loads of issues with it such as failing to recognise discs esp blank ones.

    If you do a search on Google, there are 1350 responses all with forum questions about it.

    I would say get a new drive, CDRW drives are v. cheap these days.


  6. A Graphics adapter is the device that displays your programs on the screen in front of you. Some adapters are built in such as laptops and low end PCs, others are cards which you can slot in such as AGP cards which tend to be faster.


    To see what graphics card or adapter you have, click on Start, Run and type in DXDIAG. Click on the Display tab and at the top left look at the Name of your card.


    Tell use what this is, then we may be able to help.


