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Posts posted by peterh

  1. Have you tried running it under W2K Compatibility mode?

    Create a shortcut to game, open properties of game, click on Compatibility (if its not shown, register slayerui.dll) and select Windows 98. Try it again.


  2. Some ActiveX components are ESSENTIAL to the operating system and some are downloadable and usable on the web eg Flash, Shockwave, Java etc. to use with IE.

    DO NOT delete files willy nilly as you may end up with a broken system. Leave them alone!


  3. Try this:


    1. Open a command prompt

    2. Register c:\winnt\apppatch\slayerui.dll

    3. Create a shortcut to program to run

    4. Open properties of shortcut

    5. Click on Compatibility tab

    6. Enable mode and seelect Windows 95 from list (other is 98 and Win NT4 SP5).

    7. Click OK

    8. Run program


  4. Some of the items are stored in registry. The easiest place is to create a shortcut in the Send To list. This list contains shortcuts from your profile ie.

    c:\documents and settings\<username>\SendTo


    Useful shortcuts include Notepad, Wordpad, drive and folder shortcuts.


  5. Have you added trusted networks to ZA to allow things like SMB (File and Print Sharing) through? Just add your LAN to trusted networks to get round it. See Traffic Zones section. (p61 on ZA manual).

  6. Has the second disk been partitioned and formatted. If its blank, then Windows will not recognise it. Run FDISK, select the second HD and create a new primary partition on it, then format it.

