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About Talant

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  1. Talant

    Problems with OldSchool games

    I've recently gotten re-interested in old pc games that I used to play years back - 'Tegel's Mercenaries', 'Jagged Alliance', and 'Stronghold'(1992) from Stormfront Studios, not Firefly. 'Stronghold' works but I can't any sound, when I found a setting that got me sound on the opening screen I couldn't get past the opening screen. When starting 'Mercenaries' I get the "Loading Tegel's Mercenaries..." screen, then "'mercs.exe.' i not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" message. 'Jagged Alliance' I'm not sure which file is supposed to run the game 'JA.exe' or 'DOS4GW.exe.' Each of them give me a different response without getting into the game. 'Ja.exe' gets me "DOS\4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97 Copyright <c> Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994" then returns me to the DOS promt and 'DOS4GW.exe.' gets me the same message with "DOS\4GW fatal error <1004>: syntax is DOS4GW <executable.xxx>" after it. I'm totally clueless as to what any of these problems are but if anyone else has experienced anything like this or if you know of anyway I could fix these problems it would be greatly appreciatted. Thankyou.