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Everything posted by WinNT_4me

  1. WinNT_4me

    Untitled thread

    Hello: I build & repair computers as a hobby. My friend wants me to put Windows NT 4.0 on her 386DX/40. The machine is pretty well equipped for its class, but I'm wondering if NT4 can be put on a 386. My understanding was a 486/33. Even if you could, would it be worth it? Thanks for your help! Here's the specs: AMD 3DX/40 w/387-40 64MB RAM Dual-Channel ISA IDE Controller 2 GIG HD Trident ISA SVGA Sound Blaster 16 ISA US Robotics 56K ISA
  2. WinNT_4me

    Gaming & Win NT 3.51 - Possible?

    Hi: I have an older computer and I was wondering if I would be able to play any OpenGL-based 3D games on it. I know NT 3.x has basic OpenGL support. Does this help me any or am I pretty much out of luck? I'm thinking Quake specifically, but anything that would work would be great. The machine is a Intel DX4-100 with 64 megs of RAM and NT 3.5.1, SP5. The video card is a Trident 2Meg VLB. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  3. WinNT_4me

    ISDN Help

    Hi. I have used dial-up ever since I connected to the internet in '99. Recently, the service has gone downhill and I'm looking for other options. Could someone tell me how ISDN is? (as far as modem price & service quality/speed). Thanks.