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Everything posted by brenden

  1. brenden

    CoronaWmiLogFile ? Spyware ? Help ....

    hey, i was currently running windows media player 10 series. i got it off of suprnova.org (love that site) i had the same porblem with coronawmilogfile. i couldn't delete it and it was pissing me off. i am very picky about things like that. i uninstalled 10 series and reinstalled 9. after that the file deleted no problem. this file is definately a part of windows media player so you have nothing to worry about. i'm not sure exactly what it is for. i can tell you that corona is a name for the buffering process that wmp uses. wmi is a scripting process used by windows. try to uninstall and reinstall windows media player. if the file is still there after trying to delete... well then just sit tight, it's not a virus or spyware.