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Everything posted by amiralda

  1. I have problem while i tried to drive image my PC.the error is error #57-cylinder number is too large for BIOS... somebody plz gave me the solutionbold text
  2. amiralda

    drive image 5.0 again

    hi everyone...... want to ask solution for this problem..... error 53:computer name specified in the network path cannot be located this problem occured when i'm trying to backup my pc using drive image 5.0 -already check the net use y: \\..\... it's ok when check it manually Is is anything wrong withe the services in network options such as snmp services or netbui protocol.....
  3. amiralda

    restore image

    I am having problem when I want to restore back the image using drive image 3.0 the error is bad argument/parameter..
  4. amiralda

    drive image 5.0-somebody...plz help me

    I'm using drive image 5.0 and fyi my pc does not protected by any anti virus software.any other solution ?