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Everything posted by john.johnson

  1. I have dual-NIC PCs that are within two domains, each domain with its own DNS servers. How is the order determined by Win2k when performing a DNS lookup? The problem is a lookup failure when the PC is trying a web connection to a node that is in domain B. Domain A is first seached for the node (2 DNS servers configurated in Properties) and then, I assume, a request is sent to the Domain B DNS servers, but I get a host not found and end up at Netscape page (using Netscape) or page not found in IE. However, I can get correct name resolution when using PING by name.
  2. john.johnson

    Multi-home PC in two domains - how does DNS lookup work?

    Yes on the security-related stuff. Domain A has access to the DNS servers in domain B, but they do not have access to domain A's. Domain A can ping and resolve names on domain B, not only through DNS, but also through configured WINS servers. Domain A has classified material on VAXen. Thanks for the time....
  3. john.johnson

    Multi-home PC in two domains - how does DNS lookup work?

    It is the "old style" and there is no trust relationship between the domains. I have been able to sniff on domain A side and see the failed DNS requests. I am currently looking for a hub to use on the domain B side to capture the request traffic.