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About geekster

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  1. geekster

    drive image 2002 cannot find NTLDR on reboot

    Can this be an issue with the way the NTFS drives are set up? I have 2 partitions on one drive and the other drive set to 1 partition. C/D are on drive 0 and E is on the drive 1. Using disk management, C status is Healthy (system), D Healthy, E Healthy (Active). I am wondering if when I deleted the C partition and recreated it when loading Windows XP it set E to active and thats what is causing Drive Image 2002 not to work. I cant even get the Emergency Boot disk to work. How would I delete the active setting on E without erasing the partition itself. Using the command line diskpart you can set a drive active but I cant see any way of making it unactive. I do have Drive Image 7.0 but am loathe to install it as I am not a big fan of >net services which this pice of bloatware insists on installing. Have any others had issues with Drive Image 7 at all?
  2. geekster

    drive image 2002 cannot find NTLDR on reboot

    I have used Drive Image 2002 successfully many times on a NTFS system. I just installed the program and it worked perfectly, rebooting and taking an image of my C drive. However, this morning I decided to reload my system from scratch, download all the current updates and take a fresh image. I deleted the C partition and recreated it, reinstalling XP(I have done this many times in the past with no problems). Installed Drive Image 2002 as I have always done in the past but now suddenly it will not reboot and take the image. It hangs on the "loading please wait screen". Am stumped by this as I am not doing anything different now from what I used to do.