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Everything posted by cibi3d

  1. cibi3d

    Konsole doesn't work in X11

    I've solved it.. Sorry for the delay. In gentoo you have to add the users that will use konsole and stuff like it to the "tty" group. I hope it solve yours.. Good luck
  2. cibi3d

    Konsole doesn't work in X11

    Hi, I'm having the same problem. I can use the tty1-6 normally. My keyboard y running fine into KDE, but I can't neither use a shell with konsole nor using "Run command...". If I login as root and run KDE then I can use konsole. I think it's something with the PATH because if logged as my normal user I try to change the date&time for example, and the WM ask me for the root password then it give me an error saying: "The command 'su' is not in your PATH".. but it is!!! I can SU from a tty1-6. Thanks, i'm working on it, if I find something I'll write it here.