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Everything posted by Marador

  1. Peoples, I currently run a Windows 2000 AD Domain. The primary server runs DNS so that everyone can resolve members of that domain (shock horror!). For the purpose of this example, lets call the domain "billybob.com". Now, the company i work for was bought out by a far larger company, and our WAN's have now been connected... but i wish to forward any resolutions for THEIR domains to THEIR servers. So - billybob.com would get resolved locally "Far Larger Company.com" would get resolved on their Servers. Is there any way i can configure DNS on the server to Forward any requests for their domain to their server ?
  2. Marador

    Forwarding DNS Resolution Requests

    Originally posted by Alec§taar: Quote: THIS MAY SOUND DUMB, IF I UNDERSTOOD YOU CORRECTLY BUT, here goes: Couldn't you just set them up with their OWN DNS server instead of pointing them to YOUR dns server? Well, the problem is that they have their huge network, and i have my resonable sized network (25 C Class's)... both where completely seperate and still are, there is no trust delgations or anything... So i want to resolve anything in their domain, but without adding it all to my domain... Im thinking the only way this is going to happen is to get them to export their list and then i can try to import it ? However, it would be much easier... if i could point all resolution for *.bigcompany.com to IPADDRESS... That make more sense ?
  3. Marador

    Windows 2003 SBS and SUS

    I have bought 5 windows 2003 SBS servers to strategically place around my WAN to provide my network with the ability to role out windows updates easily and far less manually. The problem I have encountered is with authentication. I have read a number of articles that have told me to change the password of the IUSR-HOSTNAME account and this has not corrected the issue. I have the autoupdate directory on the IIS 6 Manager set to anonymous with the U/P of the IUSR-HOSTNAME account and the IP restrictions set to allow all within the IP Ranges I use, however whenever I go to access this from a system on the network I get a request for a Username and Password. The problem is then compounded by the problem that the Central Office is connected to a Windows 2000 Domain that I do not wish to add the SUS server too. Additionally the remote sites are not connected to a domain. Has anyone encountered this problem? Is there a work around that I’m missing?