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Everything posted by kmhuntly

  1. kmhuntly

    Can't Login - Windows 2000 - NT Authority

    Just after logging in, with the message being displayed, hith Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up the task manager. Then click File | New Task, and type in shutdown -a. This will cancel the pending shutdown request, and can be run as many times as needed. Then run the Microsoft fix given, and this should resolve the issue. I would also recommend running Windows Update and scanning your system with any available a/v scanner. At the very least, install this patch: Q823980/MS03-026: Buffer Overrun in RPC Interface May Allow Code Execution http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=823890
  2. Uninstall NIS. =) Or close all background apps and then retry it.. or remove them permanently from Start | Programs | Startup and from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run The above will remove all startup entries. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
  3. kmhuntly

    Exchange server 2000 + windows 98 and OE

    This can be done one of two ways: A. Create a batch file that makes as many Outlook Express identities as you have kids at school, and make OE prompt for a profile each time it loads. B. Roll out an Outlook version and then create profiles based on that. Respectfully Yours, Kevin