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About sgavich

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  1. sgavich

    Spilled Wine in My Laptop

    I'm not sure if this is the right place but Help anyway. I have a Dell Inspirion 4150 which is a couple of years old (of course no more warranty -- must get those extended warranties my friends). Anyway -- the other night as I was turning it on to send an email the glass of wine in my hand broke and wine went into my computer. I turned if completely off and left it to dry upside down -- everything but take stuff out -- too inexperienced for that. When I took it to Best Buy service department they said my motherboard was probably shot and would cost tons of money to fix. When I plug in my adapter I get a green light but when I plug the adaptor into the computer the light goes out and I can't get it to go on at all. I tried calling Dell, but as you probably know its not know as "Dell Hell" for nothing. Question: Is it worth having someone look to see if just one part got shorted out or should I just consider a new computer all together -- that is if anyone will give me credit to buy one. Any answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sam