I am pretty new to installing Linux and this is my first dual boot installation.
This is the situation of my dual boot so far...
2 HDD's with WinXP on master HDD and Suse 9.1 on slave HDD....using GRUB. When I start the machine, GRUB gives me an option to select either Linux or Windows (with Linux as default OS). They both work fine but if I remove Linux HDD to bck up data from WINXP to a bckup hdd, all I see is GRUB on the left corner of the screen with no options of OS and I cannot go further than that.
I would like to make WINXP as a default OS so that if I want to work on Linux, all I have to do is swap my data bck-up HDD with Linux HDD.
This seems like a easy problem, I just do not know how to do it...please help.