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Brandon B

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Everything posted by Brandon B

  1. hey guys i did some researching and found a rmp of ndis wrapper for suse 9.xx if you want to try it hears the link still havent got my internet setup but i have a ndis wrapper installed hears the link ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/suse/i386/9.1/suse/i586/ndiswrapper-0.6-23.i586.rpm
  2. HI guys im new to linux and have the same wireless g card and router I have same Linux version suse 9.1 home I downloaded the source tar and extracted it to a folder "ndiswrapper-0.10" then highlight folder with mouse and right click open terminal here the terminal appears "guy@linux:ˉ/documents/ndiswrapper-0.10>" i want to compile and install the the module and utilitys so ive tryied make and make install and all i get is "bash : make : command not found" so i ve read thought the read me "install" in the ndis folder it says as root use the command make install so i use the command "su" and log in as root enter pass ect. so now konsole looks like this "guy@linux:ˉ/documents/ndiswrapper-0.10#" and again i try make and make install and all i get is "bash : make : command not found" so being new to linux im lost am i doing something wrong cmds or some thing i just want to get my internet going so i can stop running up and down stairs to do research on linux. Any help or suggestions are appreciated thanks.