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About snoopyreds

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  1. snoopyreds

    Need help on Win2000 logon

    I've grant full control to everyone for that profile. Currently even a power user cannot load the explorer shell, only a user with administrator rights can do that. This happened since the permission on HKEY_classes_root has been grant with full access to localmachine\users.
  2. snoopyreds

    Need help on Win2000 logon

    I've tried copying the profile over but still wont work. I found that it's the permission problem on loading the explorer shell. Currently the only way to load an explorer shell is to grant user with administrator rights (which is not a good idea), not even a power user have that permission to do that. And also I found that the problem starts with a change of permission on HKEY_classes_root registry due to part of a software installation required. Is there any permission related to shell explorer under HKey_classes_root ?
  3. Hi guys, Recently I have a problem when logging on to win2000 with user account that just have power user rights.When logging on, the logon script runs and mapped the network drive, but the desktop icon and task bar failed to loaded.I went to task manager and try to run the explorer.exe but it won't run without any error message. Logging onto the same PC is fine with Administrator rights. i.e. the explorer shell is running fine under administrator rights. I have checked the HKey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windowsnt\winlogon\shell, it's calling for explorer.exe. Many thanks for you guys to give me a hand on this.