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Everything posted by ScinteX

  1. ScinteX


    Hi Jarves, A few options here. 1- Use Active Directory and policy settings 2- Use a common build that is fairly locked down so the users can only configure the PC in certain ways. We tend to store all "personal" files (files and settings) on a server, and restrict the C: drive. Users can only change display settings and mouse. we also restrict desktop usage, although you can always map this to the network server if needed. 3- Manipulate settings for the '.default' user in the registry. 4- Use other software such as LanDesk to control software installations. Also useful for auditing/licensing (a nightmare genrally!) 5- Use login scripts ('DOS' batch scripts). These can copy/delete start menu items, desktop shortcuts and Quick Launch icons. Can also apply lots of settings depending on the user's group since you can merge registry files silently. Hope this starts you off on the right track - as always there's many ways to achieve the same thing. S
  2. ScinteX

    a cd just shattered to pieces in my cdplayer

    Yep it sure seems that if a CD drive doesn't know whats in it (i.e. it cannot read from the disc) it goes into warp speed!! If theres bits stuck in there you'll have to dismantle the whole thing and pick the bits out My mate had this happen to him and he sucked up the lens with the vacuum!! I'd go for a new drive (they're not too pricey after all) Here are 2 EXCELLENT resources of CD shattering!! Although you probably seen these already... but anyway Small clip http://www.extrememhz.com/cdexp.html [size:14]Extreme Dremel 8)[/color] Article + 9mb MPG at the end of the page (must see!!) http://www.powerlabs.org/cdexplode.htm I am so happy that I have a heffin' great big door on the front of my PC
  3. Oops I forgot to mention (sorry its been a bad day) When you connect to the router, obviously you need a really really long network cable or the wireless adaptor for the xbox. Obviously the cable is cheaper The last thing I thought of that *might* work is something like this (this is pure theory and I havent looked at it on the net or tested it- so a very long shot!) Configure the router to use a different IP range (or to start at maybe 192.168.10) - you can fiddle with this in the config of the router. Then, on your XP box, go into netowrk properties and check the box "use the following IP address" Set in there (the subnet mask should populate automatically). Then try it with ICS. Dont know if it will work... it might.... you might need then to tell ICS that your router is on a different IP. Good luck! S
  4. Hi Prof, Ive never used ICS in XP but i think I may have the solution, or at least the cause. Normally ICS is used when your PC is "the gateway" to the internet. Therefore, it should have the IP of and then any other devices connecting to this PC for internet connectivity get IPs like , etc. However, in your case the router has and your laptop might (or maybe if your friends PC had connected to the router before you did and thus he/she got 0.2) The easiest solution is to connect your XBox directly to the router (thats the preferred way anyway) and then you can forget all about XP and ICS. ICS is only really used for USB/PCI type ADSL modems when you don't have a router. ScinteX
  5. ScinteX

    Overclocking An Athlon 64 3000+ (newcastle core)

    I'm not exactly an overclocking wizard myself however I had no probs with my OC. Have you locked the timing on the AGP and PCI?? You need to do this so that your graphics card and PCI devices don't get overclocked as well. Sometimes you can get away with it but I found that anything over 3.3Ghz (from a 2.8Ghz P4) disabled my sound and caused other interesting effects (like SATA hard drives getting way too hot). You also may need to adjust your RAM timing. Also, another chip on the motherboard could be dying possibly. For instance, the southbridge can get really really hot and some poeple forget to cool that too. I'd suggest that this link may help: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=overclocking+guide&meta= You might find that starting from the beginning of one of these guides might help you. I suggest printing one out since you'll be doing a lot of rebooting whilst you tweak your settings. Rgds S
  6. ScinteX

    i'm stuck in a web of database theory

    I agree with the above, - good starting point is a Google search with "relational database" as the search query. Followed by- maybe tinkering with something nasty like MS Access if you have it. Or maybe MySQL (which is less nasty and quite nice really). You can research SQL (Structered Query Language). You can always download Oracle 10g and have lots of fun playing with it (see oracle.com) Or we could all be wrong and you really meant "I need database therapy" which is something I say quite often lol
  7. hey becky, Try the 'usual' stuff: Update graphics card drivers (from ATI, nVidia, Intel site- which ever applies to your PC) Go to Windows Update and make sure u r up to date- including DirectX 9c Also you might find this thread handy since it covers applicable things you can do (even though its primarily for Sims 2) http://www.ntcompatible.com/thread.php?id=30365
  8. ScinteX

    Secure XP - A Windows XP Security Guide

    nice post Just a little 'alternative' regarding the open C$ shares- you dont actually need to fiddle about in the registry. I recommend this to anyone who a)uses a router but does not use file sharing between PCs b)does not run any out of the ordinary server services c) does not rely on NetBIOS or the LMHOSTS file for anything This *may* apply to those using dial-up - I am not sure since I am not quite sure how dial up is setup (i only had dial up on Win95 u see) On XP (probably 2000 too), go into Control Panel and click 'Network connections' Right click your lan connection and click properties Untick the options "file sharing for ms networks" and "client for MS networks" (you may also want to get rid of QoS if its there too) Click Apply If prompted to reboot after unticking them both do so, but return to this screen once done Highlight each option, and click uninstall. Click no to reboot Do the same for the other option (and QoS if applicable) Reboot Go back into this screen, highlight Internet Protocol Click Properties Click advanced Click the WINS tab Untick LMHOSTS lookup Tick "disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" Click ok Close all screens Reboot This will secure your connection and also deactivate the Server and Workstation services as well. If you click on shares in Computer Management you will get an error since the server service isnt started- a bit more tidy than a Registry workaround other notes on that article: Not sure if it is nessesary to have the Windows Firewall enabled and a 3rd party one (such as Zonealarm) at the same time. I normally turn off the Windows one and also disable the "Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" service. Also, they missed a biggie out! If you can, use an alternative to Internet Explorer such as Opera, Mozilla, FireFox. Also set this new browser as default browser in the 'Set program access and defaults' screen. S
  9. ScinteX

    battle of the computers

    Hi Norm- l like your posts! Just remember, if your PC is a bit slower than the rest, its ok since it just means that the crashes will have longer between them and that the junk that Windows seems to generate all by itself will take longer too! It's all about the taking part not the size of the wallet- and we are all jolly chappies so no need to feel intimidated. Theres as much value in picking up bargains and slowly crafting your machine as there is making all of the right (very expensive) hardware purchases all in one go. A slight elabouration on my sig: MB is a Lanparty Infinity 875P P4 2.8 oc'd to 3.6 512 Mb Corsair XMS4000 RAM ATI 9800XT Zalman graphics cooler + optional 80mm fan Coolermaster Jet7 CPU cooler Antec truepower PSU 2 samsung cd drives (DVDROM/CDRW) 2 x WD Raptors (36Gb ea.) Lots of UV reactive leads 3 x cold cathodes 3 x UV led clusters 6 x Antec 80mm fans Logitech MX510 optical mouse Zboard keyboard CTX TFT panel Thermaltake fan/temp controller That is my ickle box there in that photo
  10. ScinteX

    Untitled thread

    :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) But you are in Canada? is this one of those USA Vs Canada things that I wouldn't understand? To disable CloneCd, click Start/Run/ type msconfig Go into Startup tab Untick the box next to Clone CD. Reboot. Job done :-) If that fails, uninstall it. If you need it reinstall it. Excuse my sense of humour I've had no sleep! 8) :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x:D:x:D:x :x :x
  11. hehe yes I take your point- that bit in my sig will be removed cos its irritating me now- its a cheap jibe at the script kiddies who annoyed me 1 day! Anyhow, rejoice with my new sig AnD w3'11 hAvE N0nE 0f th@T S1llY tYp1ng H3rE L0l
  12. A dustbuster! Mainly to vacuum the crud out of my case, but also handy for ciggie ash, crumbs and anything else that looks like it would be fun to suck up (ties, curtains, small animals)
  13. yeah maybe- i think its a good idea. Maybe we are heading more towards a community feel?? That can only be a good thing
  14. Thats not how u r supposed to eat women! Or dear fatigue has set in lol :x
  15. or a big enough helicopter to carry the camera... or a big enough cameraman........
  16. ScinteX

    SQL throught SMC Barricade Router

    When you setup SQL server, sometimes you have to 'fiddle' the router. I dont know if this is the proper way to do this since I'm an Oracle lad myself so not much experience with MS databases. The problem your router may have is that they like to see an application name. Of course, this is tricky since you want just general connectivity. You can try this: Setup an ODBC (System DSN) connection for your database (in Control Panel/Admin Tools/Datasources ODBC), that points to the SQL Server. Make a note of the name. On your router, configure the port forwarding but specify that the application is called whatever you have just named your ODBC connection. Then fill in the ports fields as you have been doing. Hopefully what should happen now is that when your machine connects via ODBC, the firewall will see the connection name and let it through. This is probably why shields up says the port is closed, since it all boils down to this application name. If it doesn't work, post back your router info (make/model) and also your way of connecting to the DB. In Oracle we have ODBC/SQLNEt etc. I assume SQL Server has similar? S
  17. LOL Waffler! hehehehe I only put that in my sig cos I was venting at script kiddies one day lol grrr im a little hax0r hahaha ;( But back on the subject tho (lol), I found a big camera
  18. You'd need a really big camera for that
  19. ScinteX

    Userinit.exe repeating

    Just make sure you get the correct version! :x
  20. ScinteX

    Untitled thread

    Its detected that you have a program that is capable of copying/emulating the game CD... so it complains! I don't know if there is a nice way around it but you can always try uninstalling whatever cd-writing/emulation software you have. The common ones are: Roxio Nero Clone-CD Ashampoo Blindwrite Acoustica Cd-Mate Alcohol 120% Normally games dont complain about writing software- its just the emulation software that causes it. However, uninstall a few Cd-related programs and see if you get anywhere. Another thing to try is typing something like this into Google: "Sims 2" "the exact error message you get about disabling software"
  21. ScinteX

    Gaming Case

    Thermaltake! They rock- quality cases which look fantastic I have the Xaser V and it looks sweet. It also has tool-less design so that you can easily put in your drives without messing with tiny screws. The only problem with Thermaltake is that when you visit thier site, you will want to buy all of thier products! http://www.thermaltake.com/dc.htm As always- money is normally the limiting factor. Regarding the Viper- I downloaded a PDF from the site: http://www.mgecompany.com/xgbox/downloads/Viper-Manual.pdf and it says "fans included: 2 x 80mm fans pre-installed." "120mm fan ports: 1 (optional 80mm)" I *think* the optional 120mm fan must be on the side since 'anandtech' say "2 80mm fans" when reviewing the ar$e end of the case: http://anandtech.com/casecooling/showdoc.aspx?i=2304&p=3
  22. Ive always wondered what was at the bottom of the sea! some of those things are are icky good post tho
  23. ScinteX

    Why the big fuss with SIMS2???????!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also the way PC games are marketed doesnt help. If I go into my local shop, I scan the shelves and I go: "hmmm PS2 ... could by something there" then "oooo Game Cube ... no i dont have one of those" then "ahh-haa PC games lets see what lovely games they have" This is where the difference begins. Us lot here go "what are the specs?" or maybe "lets get the best game i dont care i have a amazing graphics card and a trillion Ghz CPU with blah blah and flashing lights and stuff" Most consumers go "It says PC. I have a PC. Woohoo game sold!" The way I see it- PS2, GameCube and the others (aka consoles) provide a service. The service is to play games. PCs are tools- they need to be told to behave in a certain way. No two are the same (all different progs, settings, files etc.) and the user almost has to apply the power of the PC to the application- i.e. the game All credit to the Sims2 people- they made a lot of "normal consumers" buy it- hence all of the problems! Maybe the industry should work out a way to brand PCs. Like PS1, PS2 etc. Of course it kinda works with the CPU however a generic/brand all approach would be handy when we look at PCs for the masses. Maybe a revision system would be good where: Say I have a "PC" 4= Pentium 4 05= 512Mb RAM 52 = OS level (XP) 17 = Video level (ATI 9800XT) 2= DVDROM Level 4 CPU would be a broad benchmark of AMD/Intel CPUs that are roughly the same. RAM counted up like (05,10,15,2) = 512, 1Gb, 1.5Gb, 2Gb, then the next OS is 6 (or XP SP3 is 53 lol), 17 is the GPU (again broad benchmarks of ATI/nVidia etc.), then the CD player (CDROM, DVDROM etc.) This would at least give some indicator to people of what that sad cream box in the corner actually has in it. People understand numbers easily enough - its all this "you need Directx 9 compatible blah blah"- most ppl just dont know (or need to know) what directx is. Hmm thats some tangent lol
  24. If you want to know more about torrent files just Google it... and then download a linux distro.... hehe, but seriously, google the term and you can learn lots that way- thats how i imagine most of us here learn new things initially. As Peter suggests, piracy aint good and its a pity when good technology gets abused. But the time it would take to download hours of AVI files you might as well order it. Of course there are ways to get stuff from the net (you have mentioned a way yourself) and yes most of us are probably aware of these things. However, there's one thing knowing about a cliff, its another to jump off!
  25. ScinteX

    Cannot print from IE.

    http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docum...ts_policies.asp Sounds like web-based printing- the above might help (might be my/your lucky day lol!)