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About zac_haryy

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  1. zac_haryy

    Make Two Hdd's Act As One In Winxp., How do I??

    In a way. It will work perfect for what I need it for though. Thanks a lot! -haryy
  2. I have two hard drives. One if 7.9gigs (call it A) and the other is 9.32gigs (call it . I have Windows XP Pro installed on the hard drive A and it works perfect. I then installed disk B and went into the disk management settings and tried to make it span and stripe and neither one would make the hdd act as an addition to the hard drive A. So I am just wondering what I need to do to make drive B act as an extension to drive A, or in other words: "Make it look as though the two drives are actually one." Also just so everybody knows this motherboard doesn’t support RAID so I can't set that up. Any help/suggestions would be great. Thanks!! -haryy