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Everything posted by calcnerd

  1. calcnerd

    Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

    SP2 is defintely not ready. No idea what happened. I installed SP2 yesterday, and it went through flawlessly. Then, after it was done & asked me to restart, pulled up my XP login like usual, then just sits at my desktop wallpaper. No processes load, no quick launch items load, won't even load my start menu. Then, the I get a blue screen of death. Restarted hoping it was just a glitch. Same thing again. Tried to see if I had a restore point. None available. . At this point, I'm getting aggravated, so I went back & repaired XP with my install CD. This got me far enough that I could get my start menu up, my desktop icons up, and myself online, but still no processes running, etc. i booted in safe mode & tried an uninstall, but it didnt show up under add/remove programs. argh. I'm fearing a reformat. Any insight? Thanks in advance.