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About Atlix

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  1. Atlix

    warcraft II in winxp???

    Hi I Have Warcaft2 Dark portal and it works fine under windows 2000 but Without sound! The other thing is that old programs for DOS, Win 95 and 98 sometimes dont work because of the kind of partition you use under windows NT 2K XP. Some programes dont work on a NTFS formated hard disk this is maybe the problem with your warcraft 2. If you want to make warcraft 2 work completly you ll have to have a Harddisk formated in FAT starting with windows 9x or DOS with your soundcard drivers installed, i think warcarft 2 is a DOS game but i am not sure anymore. I found some evidence that warcraft is working on Windows 2000 like i sayd here: http://www.blackviper.com/WIN2K/games.htm I hope i could help ; ) Atlix