Hi all!
I have a SONY VAIO PCG-GRT816M Notebook, P4 2.8 Ghz, nVidia GeForce FX Go5600 videocard. I have real difficulties installing Mandrake 10.0 on it. KDE and GNOME fail to start properly with constant crash messages for various applications: mandrakegalaxy.real, kcminit, ksplash, knotify. They all cause the signal 11 (SIGSEGV) to be sent.
As I don't know what the problem is related to, let me resume the different obstacles I encountered and how I solved them. I may have performed bad operations...
First I had to boot typing "linux noapic" at the boot prompt or the default kernel would hang just after checking the hard disk.
Then I would proceed through the installation procedure just fine, and reboot the machine. There, problem with the Xserver that fails to start, and no graphical interface would show up.
I installed the driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1 (frankly I ignore the real meaning of this syntax) and modified the "Device" Section of the XF86config file for the following option:
Identifier "VESADevice"
Driver "vesa"
I have actually no idea if this is the good option of driver but I managed to make it work anyway. So finally I could get the graphical interface, but KDE keeps on crashing at every userlogin, for applications kcminit, ksplash, knotify, mandrakegalaxy.real... And then freezes after closing all messages!
Does anyone have a brilliant idea to propose me?
Thanks in advance,