I've been in the "documents and settings" folder, and it does have extras of the same name. The "My Documents" etc folders are empty, though. I was able to access the other files this way until this morning. It was a pain, but it was still doable. Now they've been mostly wiped.
It's got folders titled:
All Users
Default User (this one is hidden)
larelle.Sketch (Sketch is the name of my computer. Long story.)
The larelle one still has the Favorites and desktop shortcuts, as well as "Application Data" (hidden) and "Cookies," but that's it. The .Sketch one has all the normal files- "My documents," "Favorites," "Desktop," "Cookies," and "Start Menu."
The following folders are all hidden: "Application Data," "Local Settings," "My Recent Documents," "NetHood," "PrintHood," "SendTo," and "Templates." There are also two hidden files called "NTUSER.Dat" and "ntuser.dat.txt"
If I have a corrupt user profile, do I just create a new one? This one seems to be shot. Or would the new one just be corrupt too?
Thank you so much for your help!