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About cloink

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  1. cloink

    Windows Media Player 9 & AutoPlay

    Originally posted by Alec§taar: Quote: Have you tried WMP 10? I only upgraded to this verion of WMP recently! - thru Win update. But yes, it's V9 not 10. And given that V9 corrected a bug in its predecessor that meant it usually loaded the filename as the song title, but then the new version went and updated all my music files DIRECTLY and applyed what the old version had stored as the song-title in its own db into the song-title held in the completely separate music-file, I'm loath to upgrade again just at the moment. See why I don't like BG?!?!
  2. cloink

    Windows Media Player 9 & AutoPlay

    Originally posted by Alec§taar: Quote: It'll crank off that "autoplay" upon auto-insert of either DATA cd's (like installers automatically running, OR games automatically starting etc.) & MUSIC cd's too (which will stop WMP from starting up by default/automatically upon insertion of CD's full of tunes). AutoPlay's already switched off. Specifically, when WMP is open and not playing anything (stopped, not paused), even if you switch off auto-play on the drive, WMP *still* auto-plays an inserted music-CD. Seemingly it's not Windows that's kicking in auto-play, it's the WMP-app - that's what I'm trying to stop. With WMP not open, music-CD's don't auto-play.
  3. cloink

    Windows Media Player 9 & AutoPlay

    Appreciated - lots of nags I have about Windows may be fixed by that little tool (except it's screwed up my icons, I'm hoping that'll correct itself when I reboot) - but I didn't see any options for WMP and I've been through every setting in turn. I chose the non-Itanium download seeings as I don't what "Itanium" is (though it smacks of 64-bit). Maybe I should have chosen the Itanium-version..? Incidentally, good as the tool is, the installer-exe gives you no clue whatsoever where it's put the actual exe! Seems like a registry-interface tool - do you have any suggestions on a Registry-cleaning tool? - which frankly should be provided by Windows anyway. Thanks again. Incidentally - I know this isn't the forum - but the reason MS software (& the o/s) bugs me so SO much is because it assumes it knows what you want to do. I liked computers when they did what YOU told THEM to do and not the other way round. Bring back 286's!
  4. cloink

    Windows Media Player 9 & AutoPlay

    I would REALLY appreciate it if anyone has found out how to do this, I am ready to shoot Bill Gates and all his minions. Has anyone tried Trilliansucks' suggestion? Does it work, if so, what does he/she mean? By the way, if you have WMP already open and have something else already playing/paused (eg. a playlist), that's the only way I've found of stopping it taking over your CD player. Cheers.