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About lil_lizard

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  1. lil_lizard

    protowall questions

    one how do i find the cause of these outgoing blocked packets, i cleaned my cookies and i am still getting these blocks: Packet to "SPRINT-WIRELESS TR, Law Offices Benjamin AP2P" ( ) blocked. [protocol: TCP - src: 411 / dst: 2799] Packet to "PSI-NET Exploiter/fake files split 3 AP2P, pest re" ( ) blocked. [protocol: TCP - src: 411 / dst: 4305] i know the psi net is riaa, but who is the other, can i change the packet to tell them them to f#$% off? or is there a way to kill whatever it is that is sending them? and how the heck did they(do they have the right to?) do this to my pc? do i have any legal rights against them?? feel free to email me at elmerfudpucker@@@@hotmail.com put proto in the subject line and remove the extra "@'s"