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About evoada

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  1. evoada

    video problems...

    hello again! well i see i got no answers so far...but in the meantime i found something interesting about my problem! up until now the blackline screen only happens on a boot, not a reboot.. if anyone has an idea on this please post i still can't find the origin
  2. evoada

    video problems...

    hi i'm new to this forum.. so i dont really know where to post.. i have this weird problem with my new comp.. i upgraded a few days ago and got: - ATI Radeon 9800 pro (Asus brand) - Asus Motherboard A7N8X-E Deluxe (with Nforce2) - 1Go of DDR 500 Ram (2x512) - Athlon 2800+ now here is the problem: upon installing all my new hardware when i put the video drivers (i tried the CD ones and the catalyst from ati site), after rebooting i got these weird black vertical lines on my screen when coming on windows desktop.. so after trying a few video drivers i tried changing the motherboard AGP driver (the nforce thing or whatever) it solved the problem..until about a week later where it did it to me on 2 boots out of 4.. for now after rebooting it goes away, but i would really like to know whats going on.. thanx in advance for the help guys!