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About Jspr

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  1. Jspr

    access ot files from Win to Linux

    I got a part of it to work now now i have access to all my documents etc. Stupid me, i dont have my mp3:s on that partition :x but i will try to solve that by my self. still one question... how can i look up what my harddrives partitones are named (for example: hda, hdc and so on) Many thanks to you for all the help!
  2. Jspr

    access ot files from Win to Linux

    when i wrote: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/XP -t ntfs -r [enter], it says "mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel" I ugraded the kernel but it didn't have any effect. I also checked ti with "cat /proc/filesystems" and it didnt say anything about NTFS. So, is there anyway that i can get my kernel to support NTFS?
  3. How can i get access to my movies and mp3:s from my Windows partition, with Linux (Fedora core 2). My windows harddrive is partitioned as NTFS. I have searched google with no good results... i would appreciate if i could get some help. im still wery much a newbie with linux, so if there is a solution, it would be nice if you would write it step by step // Jspr