Okay, I'm having a weird problem that I thought might have just been a fluke, but it's happened too much and I was wondering if it happened to anyone else, and if there was a way to fix it if so?
You know how there's the automatic faces for the people in the game, like in the windows and stuff when you're in the relationship section, or like on the side bar, where you click on your sims' icon to switch to them? Well, the people that I create don't have images there, and instead are just blank boxes. The pre-created sims in the neighborhoods have faces and show up in the boxes, as well as that little section between the control panel and aspiration bar are, but the sims I make just....don't.
I have the book, and I read through it to see if there was a solution, but there isn't. And, with every picture they've taken in the book that has a view of the side bar, each and every one of their sims has a face in the little box.
If this is a stupid question, please disregard it by all means, but if you've had this problem, or if it's fixable, or if you think something's just wrong in total (I've checked about but I couldn't seem to find anything), please let me know. It's driving me nuts that my sims don't have faces in their icons like they're supposed to.