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About Bjork

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  1. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    bahahaha !! MDR !!
  2. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    Hello, My post was deleted because I was advocating the downloading of retail copies of Windows XP SP2 using P2P software. Please forgive me for suggesting such a horrible act, I promise that I will never do such a thing ever again! [Edited by dosfreak on 2004-11-15 01:44:19]
  3. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    ok lisent to me... There's nothing matter whit your vga version or driver.. This is ONLY a directX9 problem.I try everything: change the .dll from the dx9b to the dx9c whit no succes and remove the dx9b by instaling the old dx8.1 and then instal the dx9c, and again.. no more sucess. Like Cbunbury20 i get a new copy of microsoft xp sp2 , and he come whit directx9.0c this is the only way to plays sims2 and enjoys the magic of dx9.0c. there is the link : ok ok ... Its bittorent.. it's gay, but , belive me.. this windows work perfectly !! if you dont have bittorent program , get it to http://btplusplus.sourceforge.net Muhahha ! screw you bill !! (ps: Scuse for my bad english..)
  4. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    If microsoft can't fix this problem , the only one thing we can do is get a free copy of windowsXp sp2 coming whit dx9.0c You can get it on suprnova IT'S REALLY WORKING !!!
  5. Bjork

    Untitled thread

    PS: i got it on suprnova..
  6. Bjork

    Untitled thread

    PS: i got it on suprnova
  7. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    hahahahhaha i got a free copy of windows xpsp2 AND HE COME WHIT DIRECT X 9.0C
  8. Bjork

    Untitled thread

    Mahahahaha !!! I get a free copy of windows xpsp2 on suprnova HE COME WHIT DX9.0C !!! hahahaha.................
  9. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    sp2 cant be unistal , he come whit my windowsXP.
  10. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    ok... good... Maybe the Dx9c can work whitout sp2 but everyone here , i think, want keep sp2.. we want real solution... Thanks
  11. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    hi there.... Switching the .dll and setup.exe from the dx9b to the dx9c dosent work for me . the setup instal the directx9 but not the dx9c . dxdiax show again the ;( ±@¢£¤$? dx9b. I think im gona just waiting for microsoft produce a Bran-new directx9c whit no bug !
  12. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    Is not working.... x) i have unistal the direct x 9.0b by instaling the hold direct x 8.1 and after i try to instal the direct x 9.0c whit no more succes..
  13. Bjork

    Sims 2 Installation Help (Directx 9.0c problem)

    hi there! ok... i got this problem to ,like everyone here.. not only whit sims 2 , i cant instal star wars batle front beaucause its require directx 9.0c to... if someone have the solution .. POST IT NOW ! i have windows xp sp2 and i think that is the problem. or, directx 9c need a special video card 100% direcx 9c compatible. i have a geforce ti4600 and i think to change it if the directx 9c need a beter one. ;( please someone ! help us !