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Everything posted by Dumdideldum

  1. kernel 2.6 has ntfs read support built in, for 2.4 you need an additional kernel package. There is another way for ntfs write support, its captive-ntfs from Jan Kratochvil: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/
  2. Dumdideldum

    mp3s & red hat 9.......where are them?

    XMMS has an own icecast plugin to stream the songs directly to the icecast server - but this plugin is very buggy. I always used icecast2 with muse-streamer. It isnt that comfortable like xmms, but works without any problems. Greetz
  3. Dumdideldum

    problems with DivX and Nvidia

    First of all try to check out, what the intall script does to find out the errors. cat install.sh Maybe you can track down the error then. Instead of su try su root, maybe it switches to the wrong user.