I have a machine that I have been building for some time. I just put the finishing touches on it yesterday and now, all I am having is problems. I have an ECS L7VTA 1.0 Motherboard, Athlon 2600+, 768MB DDR 333, GeForce FX5500 GPU, 40GB Maxtor primary drive, and two 160GB Samsung drives on the Promise FastTrak 100-Lite RAID card that is integrated on the motherboard. I had loaded XP Pro on the Maxtor drive and have been running it for some time now, also on XP SP2, with no problems. Yesterday when I installed the two Samsung drives, XP has started randomly freezing about every 15 to 20 seconds, stick for about 5 seconds, then resume. It repeats this no matter what I do. If I disable the RAID card, XP will run just fine. Next, I tryed loading XP on the RAID drives and running the OS from there, but 80% of the way through the install, I get a BSOD, and a message "Unknown Hard Error", and it will freeze. If I try to redo the install, XP will not recognize the RAID drives unless I delete and re-define the array. Anyone have any ideas?