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About frpst9

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  1. frpst9

    page file error msgs

    I am having the exact same problem with XP home. Any ideas?
  2. frpst9

    Paging file won't save

    Currently running XP Home. After every log-in, I'm prompted to set the paging file. No matter what I put in as the range, when I reboot and log back on, I get the message again. I've tried both specifying a range (say 350-600 mb), I've also clicked on "System Managed" paging file, and both seem to be returning a value of "0" after the reboot.
  3. frpst9

    XP home, can't login

    cancel that... just found the answer by searching through the old posts. my apologies.
  4. A user brought his XP home machine in today. You can't log his machine in from the welcome screen. When you click on his name (to log him in) it starts "loading personal settings" and immediately goes to "logging off". We are essentially stuck in a loop at the startup screen where it begins the login process and immediately logs out. I've already tried "Last Known Good" and Safe Mode and neither gave me a different result. Any ideas on how to get past this?