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About omega1

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  1. ok... just rebooted yet again, and its actually got to the 'Windows is starting up' box, but hung and frzen again there... Does this help?! Thanks again.
  2. Hi everyone, im kinda hoping for a fix or suggestions for this, firstly, thanks for taking the time to read this... I have windows 2000, SP4 running on a machine, cant remember spec! I havent made ANY changes to hardware or software, and i've gone to restart it and while booting, it gets to the windows 2000 boot screen and hangs when the indicator gets to about 3/4 of the way, then hangs and i have to restart it... It boots fine in safe mode, and ive tried chkdsk /r and that hasnt helped. I've tried last known configuration, but does the same. Any suggestions? Many thanks
  3. omega1

    Boot XP without monitor?

    just found the answer, for other people with this problem, haven tried it, but will do! http://www.modasylum.com/guides.php?guide=18
  4. omega1

    Boot XP without monitor?

    hi, thread went slightly off topic, but enjoyed reading, i too have just discovered this site, courtesy of google. I also have problems booting my standalone PC with no monitor connected. If it is connected but switched off, it boots OK, if it is connected and switched on, it boots ok, but if its disconnected, the pc gives the post beep error (1 short and two long, or viceversa?!) Will a switch definately work for this? is there a cheaper way to do it (im not complaining about the cost of a switch, but if i can fit the odd resistor here or there, it would be good!) Any ideas? Thanks!