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Everything posted by CookieDude

  1. CookieDude

    Magic: The gathering... anyone gotten this to work?

    Hi Guys, Take a look at this thread http://www.ntcompatible.com/thread26239-1.html (on this server) I have managed to get a working version (with minor probs) on my XP machine. as for buying cards in my version you just hit 'y' for yes and 'n' or 'esc' for no...
  2. CookieDude

    Magic the Gathering on XP

    I am having problems reading some of the text that is displayed in the game. For example when speaking to the wise man in the towns the most important bit is written in black (I think) but it's written on a very dark (if not black) background... So the wise man will say something like: "To defeat the evil knight you must first **Too dark to read**" Another example (I think this may be a different problem) is when just before dualing a creature it pops up a text box (with nothing in) then when you click on the screen to start the actual dual (to change the screen to the dual screen) the text pops up very quickly so you get the feeling it says something like "This creature will start with a Blaa Blaa" or something to that effect (never actually managed to read it). Does anyone know a soultion to this? One thing I have been looking into is to try and change the background picture (or at least the bottom left hand side of it) so that its more of a grey colour so that I can read both texts. The problem there is that it looks like the background pictures are in a .pic format which I cannot view/modify. I have downloaded a 'bio-rad' image converter but that doesn't like them either. I hope someone can help :-) P.S. apart from that I am having great fun spending hours and hours rekindling my youth. Thanks everyone with the useful info so far.