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About Agizor

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  1. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Okaaaay.. well I tried a RealTek NIC ( actuall Card ) and it failed just like the onboard. but getting the Linksys back tommarow, and HOPEFULLY things will go okay? : /
  2. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Yeah. I believe it may just be the fact that they are onboard, and I am to newb to configure them properly.. Althogh I can in the control centre, it seems like it needs more help than that Anyway, trying it out today.. I'll get back to you.
  3. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Yeah, RealTek is crap in MDK. Works flawless in Fedora though. ALright though.. I'll put the Linsys 2 PCI's under the AGP and tell ya how it goes. Thanks
  4. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Yeah, I think it's the right diver. And yep, it's DHCP and all. Tried MANY different times with differnt combo's of settings. I have windows XP duelbooting alongside, and it works just dandy. And nope, there are no other NICS in the system. Although im nearly to the point to just pop in the Linksys PCI ethernet... I HOPE that would work heh.. Btw, thanks
  5. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Yay? Nay? Maybay?
  6. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Sorry. Gigabyte GA-7n400 PRo2 with onboard nic. I am indeed behind a router. And this is in MDK 10.1. Though I was having the same problem in 10. I think it says "RTL8169" or somthing along the lines. [Edited by Agizor on 2004-10-27 08:33:37]
  7. Agizor

    Lan and WAN config problems

    Alright. You said you used that other driver, and now it works fine. I am having the exact same problem you were having... Even with a gigabyte! Anywho, when I try to load that driver to use it for the hardware, a message comes up, but goes away just as fast, and then it ask me again to select another driver, or use the default ( RTL8169 ) What can I do to perhaps force it to use that driver?... It won't let me choose anything other than the default.