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brain sprain

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Everything posted by brain sprain

  1. brain sprain

    Does the Audigy 2 exhibit the problem of the Live ?

    HMMMM.... I just got done building a high end A/V editing and project system.. I have all Audigy2- Zs 's on two of the three dedicated comps and they kick major butt with no problems. I have used Sound Blaster products for many years; allways with great results. There cant be any residual noise due to the nature of editing and production I built these for. Depending on configs and/or drivers you can get that Wonderfull crakling crunchy noise.. "Kinda like white noise 'ON CRACK" gone wrong!!" I have Audigy's on all my other 3 computers around the home. Assuming that you uninstalled the old drivers: if not do so then if the problem still exists..... Uninstall the driver /drivers and re install. Some times the drivers kinda butt heads when being added or removed. Could be a bad connection as well. Last but not least???????? I have an old sound blaster live in my drawer you can have FREE if you pay the postage... Is too aniquated for any config's I have or may come up with.. Dont have drivers though?? Good Luck *Hope this answered your question; it's beer time!!
  2. There are many sofware aps that are good to use, I use MS. digital photo suite and jasco paint shop photo album. Try this: Try to sort the various albums / photos by date and or event and or event, & or file type etc. this option should be acessasble in the edit options in the upper top left of your screen.. Thats how I do mine and I have a bunch as well. which ever one gets you to the closest desired results, use: then comes the tedious task of manually arranging them...... Like walkin down memory lane with a migrane and a limp.... Good luk
  3. brain sprain

    Zalman ZM80A-HP on a Intel D865PERL motherboard?

    I just got done building a video editor using the 865Perl "intel" board and as part of my thermal soloution I added a Zalman zm80hp on my ATI 9800 pro GPU. It puts the I in TIGHT! BUT it does fit and it does a killer job once installed. If you dont have the fan "optional $10.00 part" I would do so. Also once it is in after doing the micro surgery of putting it together and install; your gonna want to leave it there! I modded a chop stick of all things "widdled and dremmled" so I can safly release the agp pin safely. That being said: one can only hold ones breath so long! If you arent very patient or steady handed I would let some one who is do the instal. Bottom line; It is a bitchen mix of sandwiched gpu excellence combined with a killer MOBO! Good Luck....