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About saxmeister

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  1. saxmeister

    American Mcgee`s Alice

    The latest I heard was that Atari was to publish it, they ditched, so he's sold the story rights to Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer (who did Pirates of the Caribbean) is supposed to pick it up and do a trilogy. Then, the games are supposed to tie in with the movie. And, the book is supposed to be out late this year or early next year. I hope they haven't scrapped it completely!!!! (sorry, off subject a bit, but still semi-related!)
  2. saxmeister

    Help With American McGee's Alice

    Using WinXP/Athlon 2000+ and didn't have any problems running Alice. It worked when I had a GeForce 3 and SP! and worked even better when I updated to SP2 and an FX5700. The only catch was that I had to make sure and turn on VSYNC "all the time"! The screen would flicker and things would be drawn incorrectly if I didn't! What videocard are you using? Make sure you have the latest drivers. It's a great game so don't miss out on the genius of American McGee. I'm still waiting to see his version of "Oz".
  3. saxmeister

    American Mcgee`s Alice

    Have it on XP and it ran great on my GeForce 3 card. When I upgraded to the FX 5700 I had to enable VSYNC on all the time before the display wouldn't flicker and have images drop out. Works great and is a beautiful game! Especially when you set it to high quality settings, 8x anisotropic, 2xQ antialias! Good stuff! Get it! American McGee is great and I'm looking forward to his version of "Oz"!