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About remkoy

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  1. remkoy

    Machine rebooting itself - minidumps created

    Hey there, Well, we did fine for 2 days but once again the blue screen and memory dump attacked my friendly personal companion. I am about to give up, cause at this time I can not afford another 100 bucks for a new ram stick. Is there another memmory test program besides memtest? I could not find a Windows version, just Linux. Also I will try Dosfreak's suggestion. Till later.
  2. remkoy

    Machine rebooting itself - minidumps created

    WOW, You guys rock, so many replies in such a short time. I have the latest BIOS update installed, tried that as last resort a week ago; same problem remains. I will try APK's suggestion and do the memory deinstall-reinstall. I will let you folks know what happens. Thanks again for your help. Remko.
  3. remkoy

    Machine rebooting itself - minidumps created

    Same problem here and I have been searching the forums for an answer. Came upon this forum by Google search and am happy to see some answers here. I have an ASUS P4P800 mobo - P4 2.8 800 MHZ 512K - 512 PC400 DDR - RADEON 9200SE VCARD - TV TUNER - WINDOWS XP I get memory dumps all the time and set it so it restarts automatic to speed things up. I have changed ram and everything else suggested here but to no avail. I might run for two days straight and then I am working with windows files and boom, restart. I have also noticed that it does it more often when I open an IE6 site. Reinstalled IE6 - same result. My last dump had this ID: 0x0000008E (0XC0000005,0X804F7A70,0XBAFA7C98,0X00000000 Any ideas welcome. Thanks.