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Everything posted by arkonmx

  1. arkonmx

    C10000B6 Harddrive not showing up in My Computer

    just ghost the drives, copying all inforamation from every sector on the drive onto another drive.
  2. arkonmx

    Fanless Power Supplies

    I personally say that you should have 350watts PS minimum. It will keep the motherboard and drives running fine without over-exausting the PS. No need to get fancy with the PS unless you're a modder. Frankly, it all comes down to the 2 things: -enough watts? -quite?
  3. arkonmx

    DVD drive gets bezerk and XP freezes repediately

    DVD-Rom drives are known to have various flaws. Plus, SP2 is known to have problems with hardware devices. Like, if you upgrade to SP2 without installing SP1, your USB drives on the tower ain't gonna work properly. Stupid stuff like that makes SP2 worth wondering about before installing it on top of your original WinXP. Anyway, DVD-Rom like the reply before mines, just get a new one, and you probably ain't gonna worry about the garbage of freezing operating systems.
  4. arkonmx

    Problems with Nvidia GeForce MX4000

    Several problems why you can't get a second VGA to work: -not configured in BIOS -not supported by OS -must disable onboard VGA first -PCI VGA's must be installed to nearest slot to CPU -figure it out yourself, maybe the card is ****'d up, or you need a new motherboard.
  5. arkonmx

    What's better, a vid card with 32mb AGP or 64mb PCI?

    Once it comes to AGP and PCI, you can tell the difference, by a lot. You should always stick with AGP slots, just because they outperform PCI cards dramatically. In fact, you will have a harder time running 3D applications with PCI VGA's with more memory than you would with an AGP VGA with less memory. You will notice little difference with 64mb PCI VGA's and 32mb PCI VGA's. The PCI slot puts a bottleneck on the transfer of graphics information. AGP slots are always preferred, unless ofcourse your motherboard does not support an AGP expansion. Stick the the nVidia AGP card instead. If you don't believe me, test both cards on various 3D applications, then figure out the math.
  6. arkonmx

    my video card does not work properly under win2000

    Windows 2000 has had many problems trying to get older video cards to work. However, newer video cards should work fine, such as the FX and 9000+ series of Geforce and Radeon. Try WinXP or just stick with '98. Or even, just get a new video card.
  7. arkonmx

    restore windows xp

    Like Dell, you can't put a Dell CD into an HP computer and expect the installations to work properly. With e-machines, they must have enabled a special feature that won't let another system over ride the security options where another machine already occupies the same copy of WinXP Pro. Try using a genuine Microsoft - WinXP Pro installation CD. I'm not gonna tell you where you can get one, other than the a retailer or Microsoft itself. But you can use the same disc to install the OS onto the e-machines using original licenses. About the 3rd license? Put it on another computer.
  8. arkonmx

    Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2

    Halo 2 is boring, Xbox game just like the original. Graphics ain't all that. Gameplay is very boring. Limited maps similar to the old Halo1. Characters? Same, just a few new looks. Can't even control the CPU team members like in Unreal Tournament, but we'll stick to subject. Sound quality is excellent, but you can't beat PC custumizable sound, even if your Xbox's sound is channeled to a receiver. Half Life 2 has more options 'cuz it was released on the PC. Better graphics and a way better story. Better, why? Because you get to flush out the most hellish graphics with your machine. Crank up the sound with an Audigy card, and what the hell do you have? Live action! Cinematics are better than Halo2. Half Life 2 is seriously better in my opinion. Halo is really old. Even the 1998 Unreal Tournament is better than the first Halo and second Halo put together. Halo is limited to a game console, it's game console product. It's for parties where people don't have money to buy high-end PC's to play Half Life 2 or other such games. It's an honest answer. I'm not rich, but I also can't play Halo2 because it's hella boring. The multiplayer sucks for Halo2. My last words, "look beyond Halo2."